New school year celebration for ElectionBuddy

I am really pleased to announce a bunch of new ElectionBuddy features coinciding with the new school year and coincidentally our new fiscal year (I threw in an accounting term to make our accountants happy, we want to keep them onside as they help us make sure that ElectionBuddy elections are auditable and verifiable, but I digress…).  The new features include

  • We have updated the payment processing to have fewer issues and better messaging.  We were also running into some issues with certain credit card companies, and we think the new process will stop these issues
  • We updated our review screen, to make it shorter, simpler yet do more to make sure that your election is exactly what you need it to be, and to make sure that you test it (so that you understand what your voters will do when they vote)

And last year, we added the ability to have ballot identifiers.  So if you have a membership list, student list with student IDs, or homeowners list with identification numbers, you can use those to track who has voted, while still ensure that HOW voters voted remains anonymous.  And updated the way you can add email lists to make it faster to setup your election.   We even made it easier to duplicate old election voting lists and old ballots, and ensured that you can quickly view the settings on any election (so that you can decide which election to duplicate).

We hope that these changes better serve your association election of your board or executive, student council election, promo king and queen election, condominium board election or home owners association election, or any other vote that you do.

And as always, if you have some feature ideas, please feel free to pass them on, we are always looking to make ElectionBuddy better for you!