Election feature focus

As ElectionBuddy users know, we take feedback very seriously because those suggestions have been the driving force that has helped shape ElectionBuddy to become one of the most popular online voting / online election platforms today. We need only to look as far as the popular “Candidate Photo” feature to see how user feedback has made it into the application.

Back in August we asked users what they thought of the new feature, “Shuffle Candidate Order” that we were developing at the time. Sure enough we received tons of great insights that expanded on our original concept.

With Randomized Ballots, once this new feature has been enabled in your online election, each voter will be presented with a ballot that randomizes (shuffles) the order of not only candidates but also of questions. This removes the Ballot Order Effect on voting results: where the first candidate or question is more likely to be selected then the middle – or lower-ordered items.

Best of all, this new feature is FREE with all ElectionBuddy accounts!