ElectionBuddy feature focus

Based upon feedback from quite a few election administrators, we have introduced a new piece of functionality. It is meant to help an organization analyze their voter list based on voting statuses. This information is now available in a download!

Voter List Filters

Previously, if an election administrator wanted to take a look at their population of voters who haven’t voted, they would have to do this directly in ElectionBuddy by using the filters on their voter list. The filters sit above the voter list in your running election. Using the filters is simple: simply click and wait for the page to refresh. The time this takes depends on the size of your voter list, but should not take more than a few seconds.

While the filters are helpful for visualizing different aspects of your list in ElectionBuddy, there was no way to pull this data out from ElectionBuddy and view it in Excel, for example, to do an analysis on it. So, by popular request, we have introduced the ability to:

  • Visualize different groups of your voters in the voter list by using the filters to sort your voters, and then,
  • Download a list of whatever voter subset you have filtered out in ElectionBuddy.

How to Download Your Voter List

To download, simply select the “Status” and “Type” filters that give you your ideal report. Then, click on our new “Download” button.

How to download voter list
How to use filters and download voter list information

The red box is highlighting some of the various filters available for a voter list. The actual content of your filters will vary based on the notice types you are using (“Type”). It will also vary based on the different statuses your voters have in the voter list (“Status”).

You can use the two types of filters in tandem! Say, if you wanted to look specifically at your voters who received an email notice but have not voted. Or, you can search using one of the filters specifically, and then leaving the other on “All”. For example, if you wanted to see all your “Voted” voters, regardless of what notice type they were sent.

So, Why Download?

Unsure of why you would want to download a subset of your voter list? How can you use this information to help your organization/the election? Here are a few of the most common reasons why administrators told us they wanted to see this functionality:

  1. Voter turnout strategies: a lot of our large organizations have groups of individuals within the organization that come together with the election administrator to strategize how to reach out to more of their voters, and wanted to be able to have a list of voters who haven’t voted to analyze and sort in Excel. (For some ideas on how to increase voter turnout, check out this article for research-backed strategies!)
  2. Administrative purposes for the organization: filtering by “Undeliverable” voter notices helps an organization identify members whose contact information is out-of-date with the organization. They can then reach out to that voter to ask for updated contact information. Asking your voter to vote at this time can also help you turn this into a voter turnout strategy!