Election feature focus

Feature Focus: Announcement and Nominations

Sometimes holding an election to find out election nominees is just as useful as the election itself. A successful election is only as good as the crop of candidates voters can choose from. That’s why...

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Milestone celebration with fireworks

Milestone achieved: ElectionBuddy completes 1000 online elections

You know it’s going to be a good day when you pass a milestone like this before even having coffee. ElectionBuddy.com has now hosted over 1000 elections, with well over 130,000 votes cast! What a treat...

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Tips and tricks for elections

Tips & Tricks: Why You Should Use Online Elections

The Internet is a wonderful thing isn’t it? You can shop, socialize, book flights and vacations, bank, and conduct business – all from the comfort of your couch (and more often than not, from your...

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Milestone celebration with fireworks

Milestone achieved: Web based election voting hits the 100K votes cast

Wow! We’ve hit an ElectionBuddy.com milestone – 100,000 votes cast in over 800 online elections. Thank you for all the electronic election love you’ve shown us. The ElectionBuddy community is one of the most organized...

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