Election feature focus

Feature Focus: Undeliverable History

Undeliverable email notices are truly one of the world’s greatest mysteries. “Why didn’t my voter receive their email notice?” is the toughest question I get asked. It’s a great question, but it is challenging to answer,...

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ElectionBuddy milestone celebration

Milestone Achieved: Four Million Votes Cast on ElectionBuddy.com

Can you believe it?! As an ElectionBuddy community, over four million votes have now been cast in over 22 000 elections! But, because of an all-new version of ElectionBuddy, more functionality than ever, and new features...

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Election feature focus

Feature Focus: the Cumulative Tally Method

One of our developers has completed their work on the highly-requested cumulative tally method. It is now ready for you to try out in your next election!

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Milestone celebration with fireworks

Milestone Achieved: 3 million online votes cast

It’s pretty incredible that as of this morning, the ElectionBuddy community has now cast over 3 million online votes in 16,000+ elections using our simple and secure online voting software.

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Election for HOAs

How changing laws impact electronic voting for Arizona HOAs

With the increasing prevalence of HOAs in Arizona, community association legislation is being modified to better address homeowner rights and processes. The changes come into effect Aug 6, 2016, and one regulation specifically addresses electronic...

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