ElectionBuddy feature focus

Download Voter List Information for Effective Election Management

Based upon feedback from quite a few election administrators, we have introduced a new piece of functionality. It is meant to help an organization analyze their voter list based on voting statuses. This information is...

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Feature how-to

Election Verification — Allowing Voters to Verify their Votes

We work with any and all types of organizations that run elections. But, one type of organization in particular has very strict government-imposed legislation around their elections. Those would be the unions. The government department that regulates...

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ElectionBuddy feature focus

Bylaw Amendment — Build It with ElectionBuddy

Bylaws are a fundamental part of the operating process for any organization. They tell an organization what they should and should not do, and guide the people running the organization when things are unclear or...

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Election feature focus

Feature Focus: the All-New Paper Ballots

There is a fundamental issue with offering an exclusively electronic voting platform. Not all people are adept at using electronics. In fact, some people don’t even have email addresses! We have always had workarounds (an...

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Election feature focus

Feature Focus: Undeliverable History

Undeliverable email notices are truly one of the world’s greatest mysteries. “Why didn’t my voter receive their email notice?” is the toughest question I get asked. It’s a great question, but it is challenging to answer,...

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Election feature focus

Feature Focus: the Cumulative Tally Method

One of our developers has completed their work on the highly-requested cumulative tally method. It is now ready for you to try out in your next election!

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Election feature focus

Feature Focus: Emailing Ballots Yourself

Did you know that you don’t always have to upload a list of email addresses to send out ElectionBuddy ballots? You can also create custom ballots in Microsoft Word, an e-newsletter program (such as our...

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Election feature focus

Feature Focus: Reminders and Resending Ballots

If your election is not having the turnout you expected, it could be a variety reasons. If you are letting ElectionBuddy email the ballots, maybe the election start time was not the opportune time, and...

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Election feature focus

Feature Focus: Prevent Ballots from Being Marked as Spam

Not all of our Feature Focuses have to be about items you can implement to aid your election. This month I want to highlight something that’s done on our end to increase your voter turnout.


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ElectionBuddy feature focus

Focus: Public or Private Results… That is the Question!

One of the features that makes ElectionBuddy unique over other election software, is that you can customize who gets the view the results – in real time and once the election is complete.

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Election feature focus

Feature Focus: Approval Voting

We’ve already looked Plurality Voting, Preferential Voting, as well as how to organize a Referendum in ElectionBuddy. Approval voting is another election type that is supported in ElectionBuddy, and that’s what we’ll hone...

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Election feature focus

Feature Focus: Preferential Voting

ElectionBuddy offers a variety of election types that will suit your organization. Today we’re taking a look at Preferential Voting.

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Election feature focus

Feature Focus: Plurality Voting

ElectionBuddy offers three voting methods for your elections. This Feature Focus looks at Plurality Voting (also known as First Past The Post)

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Election feature focus

Feature Focus: Running a Referendum

Whether it’s tackling a question on to an existing election, or letting the referendum standing on it’s own, online referendums are a useful for a variety of reasons. They are typically used to pass motions,...

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Election feature focus

Feature Focus: Announcement and Nominations

Sometimes holding an election to find out election nominees is just as useful as the election itself. A successful election is only as good as the crop of candidates voters can choose from. That’s why...

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